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Resource Builder 4.2: Updates for RC Compiler, Dialog and Text Resource Editors, and Maintenance Fixes.

Resource Builder version 4.2 is now available for download. This update focuses on UTF-8 support for resource editors and the compiler, along with improvements to the Dialog resource editor. As always, we aim to address reported issues and provide fixes for a smoother user experience.

RC Compiler

  • RC File in UTF-8 Encoding

    Added support for UTF-8 RC files. While Microsoft doesn't recommend using UTF-8 encoded RC files, some tools may still utilize them, and our enhanced RC compiler now supports such files.

  • RC Parser Improvements

    Improved support for TREEVIEW_STATE flags in the treeview control.
    Enhanced handling of | flags starting with NOT.

Dialog Resource Editor

  • Tab Order Management

    Implemented improved Tab Order management for easy control reordering.

  • tree-view-line

    General Improvements

    Enhanced Treeview control preview to better reflect changes in STATES flags.
    Improved Object Inspector.

Text Editor Improvements and Other Fixes

  • Encoding Options

    Added support for saving edited text in different encodings: ANSI, UTF-8, and Unicode.

  • Fixes

    Addressed issues, including errors upon opening the PACKAGEOPTIONS resource editor.
    Corrected the display of old-styled toolbars in specific cases.
    Various minor bug fixes and enhancements for an improved overall user experience.

Upgrade to the latest version of Resource Builder today and unlock a world of possibilities for your resource editing needs! Happy resource building!

Resource Builder home: https://www.resource-builder.com

Download the latest version: https://www.sicomponents.com/download/

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