HelloApp Studio release!

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HelloApp Studio release!

Post by isiticov »

We're proudly glad to inform you about the release of our new product HelloApp Studio!

What is HelloApp Studio? It is a simple to use creative design environment, with which you are able to create an in-app tutorial for your applications within minutes or even seconds! You can customize tooltips with whatever content or style you want, and make them point to anywhere on the screen, as well as add animations to them to make it more dynamic and engaging!

To integrate the finished tutorial project into your own application, you will simply have to pass in a single command.

HelloApp Studio supports Windows and Mac OS so you can distribute guides and tutorials for your applications for both platforms.

Check https://www.helloappstudio.com for more details and download the installation package.

As you may already noticed the latest version of TsiLang Components Suite already contains integrated introductory tutorials for TsiLang Expert, SIL Editor and Dictionary Manager.
Best regards,
Igor Siticov.
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