The sales that customers had used the coupon

Old forum to discuss the RegKeeper- e-Sales Tracking Software. (Locked)
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The sales that customers had used the coupon

Post by fuwafunghk »

Since some customers used the coupon to get the discount, The value of "sub-total" in Regkeeper becomes "not correct". How can I tell Regkeeper to also "know" this kind of "discount" of each sales if customers use coupon? Sorry for my english!

Best regards,
Fuwa Fung.
Site Admin
Posts: 2387
Joined: Thu Nov 21, 2002 3:17 pm

Post by isiticov »

For such cases there are Custom Fields available in RegKeeper (menu Tools | Custom Fields). You can just define a custom field for the Orders table with a name Discount as Currency and configure it to subtract its value from the order total. This way RegKeeper when calculating the order total will take in account the value of this field as well.
Best regards,
Igor Siticov.