How to add new strings to existing application

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How to add new strings to existing application

Post by CaptAndy »

I have an application that has already been translated and want to add additional strings. I can find a lot of documentation on how to start from scratch to translate a complete application - but I just want to add one or two additional strings at a time. What is the easiest way to do this? There seems to be no shortcut and I'm lost. Please advise!
Here's my setup: I have put all my strings (that are not in dialogs, 400+) into the unit where the TsiLang and TSiLangDispatcher component are located.
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Re: How to add new strings to existing application

Post by isiticov »

Just add the necessary string(s) to the place you need them and just use the TsiLang Expert:
Scan the source for new strings
Scan the source for new strings
2025-01-30_11-27-46.png (20.66 KiB) Viewed 1094 times
The CONST Section commands if the strings declared as global constants/variables, or Strings in Source, in case new strings added into the code.
Expert will re-scan the selected unit and will find new strings and add them to the translations.
Best regards,
Igor Siticov.
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