Aligning Tips with Application.

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Aligning Tips with Application.

Post by SteveG »


I downloaded the trial version of HelloApp Studio. I've been looking for something like this for years, so I'm very happy I came across it.

One thing I don't understand is how am I supposed to line the tips up with the parts of my Delphi application's interface that the tips are providing information on?

Is it just a matter of guessing or estimating the relative position?


= Steve
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Re: Aligning Tips with Application.

Post by isiticov »

Hello Steve,
Please use the following:

1. Run your application.
2. In HelloApp Studio settings enable the "Hide on Pointer Position Editor" option:
2024-05-16_09-07-38.jpg (90.21 KiB) Viewed 13202 times

3. Go to your tool tip and start the pointer position editor.
2024-05-16_07-57-58.jpg (183.78 KiB) Viewed 13202 times

4. In the appeared editor click Window and then Specify.
2024-05-16_10-01-06.jpg (90.99 KiB) Viewed 13202 times

5. HelloApp Studio will hide and you can click on the target window and position in your application. The click coordinates will be used in the tool tip pointer settings.

6. Then just adjust the window's Class and Title settings. And the anchor using the "Relative to:" settings. This is necessary to be able to properly display a tool tip when user resizes the target window. For example if you need to point to the status bar in your window then just make the Relative to to be bottom-left. If you need to point to the something in the bottom-right corner set this to bottom-right and so on. This will ensure that the tool tip pointer always points to the configured window's element.

Hope this helps.
Best regards,
Igor Siticov.
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu May 16, 2024 1:38 am

Re: Aligning Tips with Application.

Post by SteveG »

Hi Igor,

I apologise for taking so long to respond to you. That worked perfectly!

Thank you.

= Steve
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