Incorrect Turkish characters in siLang.MessageDlg()

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Incorrect Turkish characters in siLang.MessageDlg()

Post by CPS »

Some Turkish text displascorrectly in a standard Windows message dialog, so there is no problem with encoding...

MessageDlg(msgSameSignExplain, mtError, [mbNo, mbYes], 0);

A caption and buttons are still English, that's naturally.

...but there are incorrect chars if the same string in siLang.MessageDlg

siLang.MessageDlg(msgSameSignExplain, mtError, [mbNo, mbYes], 0);

A caption and buttons are Turkish per siLang component settings.


There are obviously different messages fonts.
Is there any way to control siLang.MessageDlg() font properties?
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Joined: Fri Sep 17, 2021 1:48 pm

Re: Incorrect Turkish characters in siLang.MessageDlg()

Post by CPS »

I've found a solution!
A parent TForm where TSiLangLinked is placed Font.Charset must be DEFAULT_CHARSET.
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Re: Incorrect Turkish characters in siLang.MessageDlg()

Post by isiticov »

I assume you're using non-Unicode version of Delphi. Then the parent form shall have properly defined charset for every language. And it will be used in the MessageDlg().
Best regards,
Igor Siticov.
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