Using v with an Android project.
I have declared a local var as
Ini: TIniFile;
then used it as:
Ini := TIniFile.Create(System.IOUtils.TPath.Combine(System.IOUtils.TPath.GetDocumentsPath,
So my unit uses: System.IniFiles, System.IOUtils, FMX.Dialogs and SiComp
But a compile or build throws up the error:
[DCC Fatal Error] Memini.pas(171): F2613 Unit 'Dialogs' not found.
What have I missed?
MemIni unit cannot find unit Dialogs
Re: MemIni unit cannot find unit Dialogs
Hi Malcolm!
Please just remove Dialogs from MemIni.pas. Sorry for this. Or you can use pre-built DCUs for Android. But deleting Dialogs reference will be better I believe.
Please just remove Dialogs from MemIni.pas. Sorry for this. Or you can use pre-built DCUs for Android. But deleting Dialogs reference will be better I believe.
Best regards,
Igor Siticov.
Igor Siticov.
Re: MemIni unit cannot find unit Dialogs
Hi Igor,
Thanks, that (deleting Dialogs) solves the Memini.pas error.
Now for the other (non SiComponents) issues.
Thanks, that (deleting Dialogs) solves the Memini.pas error.
Now for the other (non SiComponents) issues.