NO way to import a rc file

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Joined: Thu Sep 15, 2022 2:22 pm

NO way to import a rc file

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Fist error was range of the integers used on the resources.h, change the whole file to values below 32000 or so.
Now I get :
Error message: DRAW.RC. Line 242 : 115. Unknown Dialog Control Class: 2155152433

Any suggestion?
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Re: NO way to import a rc file

Post by isiticov »

Please send us sample or this RC file that we could try it on our side and try to find the problem.
Best regards,
Igor Siticov.
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Sep 15, 2022 2:22 pm

Re: NO way to import a rc file

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New resouce file .rc created right now from VS2019,just a dialog and a bitmap inside, try to import to Resource builder and get invalid format.
I see format isn ot on the list of files to be imported.
It looks like will not work, can I get a refund?
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Re: NO way to import a rc file

Post by isiticov »

You don't need to IMPORT an RC file. Just open it into Resource Builder. RC is a "native" format for the Resource Builder. Please see video sample at Just be sure to comment out the #include "winres.h" line in the RC file or you will need to add all Studio's include folders to the Compiler's Include directories and define all Studio's global variables.
Best regards,
Igor Siticov.
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