vista and win7 Refresh error.

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Joined: Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:55 am

vista and win7 Refresh error.

Post by wizard »

I am your customer Xue Tim. I encountered the below bug when I use this control. OS: both Windows Vista and Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit)

FTaskCollection := RootFolder.GetTasks(0) in procedure TTaskScheduler.Refresh of unit saTask will give this error: Catastrophic failure;

The other error message: ole error 8007007f, occured when refresh calling the Task.FTaskDefinition := ATask.Definition in procedure TTaskScheduler.AddItem2.

Please investigate these issues and give me an solution as soon as possible.

I am sure the TaskSchedule service is running and MyTS.Active is True.
The two function I called are:
function DeleteTask(TaskName: PChar): boolean;
if IsTaskExists(TaskName) then
Result := not IsTaskExists(TaskName));
Result := true;

function IsTaskExists(TaskName:PChar):Boolean;
i : integer;
Task : TTaskItem;
Temp : string;
Temp := TaskName;
Task := MyTs.ActivateTask(Temp);

if Task = nil then
Result := false;
Result := true;

here is bugreport from my user.

date/time : 2010-11-16, 21:57:15, 514ms
computer name : MARIO
user name : Mario <admin>
registered owner : Microsoft / Microsoft
operating system : Windows 7 x64 build 7600
system language : English
system up time : 4 hours 56 minutes
program up time : 7 seconds
processors : 2x Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz
physical memory : 2307/3999 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 4.50 GB
display mode : 1366x768, 32 bit
process id : $11b4
allocated memory : 64.48 MB
executable : gamebooster.exe
current module : madExcept_.bpl
exec. date/time : 2010-11-12 19:07
version :
compiled with : Delphi 2009
madExcept version : 3.0i
callstack crc : $93ad924c, $dfa45cfb, $74d96f19
exception number : 1
exception class : EOleException
exception message : Catastrophic failure.

main thread ($ccc):
00541951 +179 gamebooster.exe saTask 960 +30 TTaskScheduler.Refresh
005463f0 +02c gamebooster.exe Unit_TSCommon 349 +4 IsTaskExists
00546656 +022 gamebooster.exe Unit_TSCommon 431 +3 DeleteTask
00549bed +01d gamebooster.exe Form_Options 158 +2 SetStartup
0056fb18 +068 gamebooster.exe Form_Main 6339 +5 TMainForm.Timer_StartupTimer
50162dbb +00f vcl120.bpl Extctrls TTimer.Timer
50162c9f +02b vcl120.bpl Extctrls TTimer.WndProc
75037df5 +00a USER32.dll DispatchMessageW
501f9ec7 +0f3 vcl120.bpl Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage
501f9f0a +00a vcl120.bpl Forms TApplication.HandleMessage
501fa235 +0c9 vcl120.bpl Forms TApplication.Run
76973675 +010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $c58:
76973675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $f38:
76973675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $154:
76973675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $e5c:
76973675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $11b8:
76a70810 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
7697117f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
76971133 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
76973675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $1104:
76973675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $978:
76973675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3e8:
76a72c4a +5f KERNELBASE.dll SleepEx
76a7351b +0a KERNELBASE.dll Sleep
76973675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $da4:
75c3738e +021 RPCRT4.dll I_RpcSendReceive
75c38046 +026 RPCRT4.dll NdrSendReceive
75cd0143 +13e RPCRT4.dll NdrClientCall2
74f287b8 +12d CFGMGR32.dll CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property_ExW
76c552bd +035 DEVOBJ.dll DevObjGetDeviceRegistryProperty
75aea17f +04e SETUPAPI.dll SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyA
00529c4e +03a gamebooster.exe Unit_DriverThread 1133 +3 GetDeviceInfo
00529e89 +1d9 gamebooster.exe Unit_DriverThread 1179 +33 GetHardwareListNt
0052a1bc +050 gamebooster.exe Unit_DriverThread 1227 +6 TDriverThread.GetHardwareList
005285c5 +0f5 gamebooster.exe Unit_DriverThread 194 +17 TDriverThread.SelfScan
005283dc +000 gamebooster.exe Unit_DriverThread 113 +0 TDriverThread.Execute
76973675 +010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $b14:
76a70810 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
7697117f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
76971133 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
76973675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $13a8:
76a707ae +30 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
7697117f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
76973675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $ba8:
76a70810 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
7697117f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
76971133 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
76973675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $13c8:
7559302b +5b WS2_32.dll WahReferenceContextByHandle
75594a1d +9c WS2_32.dll select
76973675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $7c0: <priority:1>
76973675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

00400000 gamebooster.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
50000000 rtl120.bpl 12.0.3210.17555 C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
50120000 vcl120.bpl 12.0.3210.17555 C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
50310000 vclx120.bpl 12.0.3210.17555 C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
57000000 madBasic_.bpl C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
57800000 madDisAsm_.bpl C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
59800000 madExcept_.bpl C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
6e5b0000 jscript.dll 5.8.7600.16475 C:\Windows\SysWow64
6e680000 wmiutils.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32\wbem
6e6a0000 wbemdisp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32\wbem
6e6e0000 mshtml.dll 8.0.7600.16671 C:\Windows\SysWOW64
6f2a0000 taskschd.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\SysWOW64
70b10000 msimtf.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
70d40000 sensapi.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
70d50000 rasman.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
70d70000 RASAPI32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
70dd0000 LINKINFO.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
70de0000 msls31.dll 3.10.349.0 C:\Windows\SysWOW64
70e10000 olepro32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
70e30000 PowerConfig.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
70e60000 rtutils.dll 6.1.7600.16617 C:\Windows\system32
716f0000 mlang.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
71ba0000 ieframe.dll 8.0.7600.16671 C:\Windows\SysWOW64
72870000 oledlg.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
72a50000 winspool.drv 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
72af0000 wship6.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\System32
72b00000 rsaenh.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
72bf0000 CRYPTSP.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
72c10000 PowrProf.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
72c40000 msxml3.dll 8.110.7600.16605 C:\Windows\System32
72d80000 ntshrui.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
72e60000 apphelp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
72ed0000 profapi.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
72ef0000 ntmarta.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
72f20000 EhStorShell.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
72f60000 wshtcpip.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\System32
72f70000 rasadhlp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
72f80000 fwpuclnt.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\System32
72fc0000 WLIDNSP.DLL 7.250.4225.0 C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live
72ff0000 WINNSI.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
73000000 iphlpapi.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
73020000 mdnsNSP.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Bonjour
73050000 pnrpnsp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
73070000 napinsp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
73080000 winrnr.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\System32
73090000 dnsapi.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
730e0000 mswsock.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\System32
73120000 NLAapi.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
73130000 RpcRtRemote.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
73140000 srvcli.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
732a0000 NTDSAPI.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
732c0000 fastprox.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32\wbem
73360000 wbemcomn.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
738c0000 SXS.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
73920000 oleacc.dll C:\Windows\system32
73990000 slc.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
739a0000 wbemsvc.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32\wbem
739b0000 wbemprox.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32\wbem
73b40000 WindowsCodecs.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
73c40000 gdiplus.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\WinSxS\
73dd0000 propsys.dll 7.0.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
740d0000 mpr.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
740f0000 uxtheme.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74390000 msimg32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
743a0000 winmm.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
743e0000 comctl32.dll 6.10.7600.16661 C:\Windows\WinSxS\
745a0000 dwmapi.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
745c0000 cscapi.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74720000 version.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74730000 wsock32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74bd0000 CRYPTBASE.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
74be0000 SspiCli.dll 6.1.7600.16484 C:\Windows\syswow64
74c40000 iertutil.dll 8.0.7600.16671 C:\Windows\syswow64
74e40000 MSASN1.dll 6.1.7600.16415 C:\Windows\syswow64
74e50000 oleaut32.dll 6.1.7600.16567 C:\Windows\syswow64
74f10000 NSI.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
74f20000 CFGMGR32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
74f50000 MSCTF.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75020000 USER32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75120000 CLBCatQ.DLL 2001.12.8530.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
751b0000 Normaliz.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
751c0000 ADVAPI32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
752f0000 PSAPI.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75300000 WININET.dll 8.0.7600.16671 C:\Windows\syswow64
75400000 comdlg32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75480000 msvcrt.dll 7.0.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75530000 SHLWAPI.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75590000 WS2_32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
755d0000 IMAGEHLP.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75600000 GDI32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
756f0000 ole32.dll 6.1.7600.16624 C:\Windows\syswow64
75850000 WLDAP32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
758a0000 urlmon.dll 8.0.7600.16671 C:\Windows\syswow64
759e0000 USP10.dll 1.626.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75a80000 SETUPAPI.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75c20000 RPCRT4.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75d10000 shell32.dll 6.1.7600.16644 C:\Windows\syswow64
76960000 kernel32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
76a60000 KERNELBASE.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
76ab0000 CRYPT32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
76bd0000 sechost.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\SysWOW64
76bf0000 IMM32.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
76c50000 DEVOBJ.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
77040000 LPK.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
77070000 ntdll.dll 6.1.7600.16559 C:\Windows\SysWOW64

0000 Idle 0 0 0
0004 System 0 0 0
0120 smss.exe 0 0 0
0190 csrss.exe 0 0 0
01d0 wininit.exe 0 0 0
01dc csrss.exe 1 0 0
0200 services.exe 0 0 0
0228 winlogon.exe 1 0 0
0234 lsass.exe 0 0 0
023c lsm.exe 0 0 0
02b4 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0318 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0398 svchost.exe 0 0 0
03b8 svchost.exe 0 0 0
03dc svchost.exe 0 0 0
0194 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0148 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0448 AvastSvc.exe 0 0 0
0548 dwm.exe 1 18 2 high
0558 explorer.exe 1 380 249 normal
0658 taskhost.exe 1 99 46 normal
0684 spoolsv.exe 0 0 0
06b4 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0760 AppleMobileDeviceService.exe 0 0 0
0774 mDNSResponder.exe 0 0 0
04f4 svchost.exe 0 0 0
049c svchost.exe 0 0 0
0478 svchost.exe 0 0 0
04e8 LSSrvc.exe 0 0 0
0810 RichVideo.exe 0 0 0
0840 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0874 TeamViewer_Service.exe 0 0 0
08c4 SynTPEnh.exe 1 66 35 above normal
08cc cAudioFilterAgent64.exe 1 14 7 normal
08d4 TomTomHOMEService.exe 0 0 0
090c vmware-usbarbitrator.exe 0 0 0
0940 vmnat.exe 0 0 0
097c svchost.exe 0 0 0
09a0 WLIDSVC.EXE 0 0 0
0a20 WLIDSVCM.EXE 0 0 0
0a58 vmware-authd.exe 0 0 0
0aa0 igfxtray.exe 1 12 5 normal
0b28 vmnetdhcp.exe 0 0 0
0b80 hkcmd.exe 1 10 16 normal
0b9c igfxpers.exe 1 9 4 normal
0bac LightScribeControlPanel.exe 1 51 22 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\LightScribe
0bc0 RocketDock.exe 1 52 46 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\RocketDock
07c8 hpqtra08.exe 1 15 14 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\Digital Imaging\bin
0914 Rainmeter.exe 1 26 20 normal
09f0 QPService.exe 1 15 15 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\QuickPlay
09c8 QLBCTRL.exe 1 10 9 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\HP Quick Launch Buttons
08b4 HPWAMain.exe 1 36 21 normal
08bc AvastUI.exe 1 85 22 normal C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5
07dc svchost.exe 0 0 0
0b7c SearchIndexer.exe 0 0 0
0d14 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0e44 hpqWmiEx.exe 0 0 0
0e70 WmiPrvSE.exe 0 0 0
0ed0 SynTPHelper.exe 1 9 3 above normal
0ff0 Com4QLBEx.exe 0 0 0
0d28 wmpnetwk.exe 0 0 0
10c4 svchost.exe 0 0 0
12fc dllhost.exe 0 0 0
1350 hpqToaster.exe 1 10 6 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\Shared
13ac HPHC_Service.exe 0 0 0
1268 svchost.exe 0 0 0
1184 firefox.exe 1 733 75 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Beta 1
11cc plugin-container.exe 1 26 23 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Beta 1
0d88 audiodg.exe 0 0 0
0b04 SearchProtocolHost.exe 0 0 0
0c10 SearchFilterHost.exe 0 0 0 idle
11b4 gamebooster.exe 1 1233 232 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
0cc8 gamebox.exe 1 104 39 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
0edc WmiPrvSE.exe 0 0 0

+ Batteries
- Microsoft AC Adapter
- Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery
- Microsoft Composite Battery
+ Computer
- ACPI x64-based PC
+ Disk drives
+ Display adapters
- Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family (driver
- Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family (driver
+ DVD/CD-ROM drives
- hp DVD RW AD-7561S ATA Device
- IZE 8PEJC1Y3 SCSI CdRom Device
+ IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers
- ATA Channel 0
- ATA Channel 1
- ATA Channel 4
- ATA Channel 5
- Intel(R) ICH9M/M-E Family 4 Port SATA AHCI Controller - 2929 (driver
+ Imaging devices
- HP Webcam-101
+ Keyboards
- Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard with HP QLB (driver
+ Mice and other pointing devices
- Synaptics PS/2 Port TouchPad (driver
+ Modems
- HDAUDIO Soft Data Fax Modem with SmartCP (driver
+ Monitors
- Generic PnP Monitor
+ Network adapters
- Atheros AR9285 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter (driver
- Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller (driver 7.3.522.2009)
- VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet1 (driver
- VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet8 (driver
+ Processors
- Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz
- Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz
+ Sound, video and game controllers
- Conexant Pebble High Definition SmartAudio (driver
- CyberLink WebCam Virtual Driver (driver 6.0.5600.0)
- Intel(R) High Definition Audio HDMI (driver
+ Storage controllers
- AKAPS1N1 IDE Controller
- Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
+ Storage volume shadow copies
- Generic volume shadow copy
- Generic volume shadow copy
- Generic volume shadow copy
- Generic volume shadow copy
- Generic volume shadow copy
- Generic volume shadow copy
- Generic volume shadow copy
- Generic volume shadow copy
+ System devices
- ACPI Fixed Feature Button
- ACPI Lid
- ACPI Sleep Button
- ACPI Thermal Zone
- ACPI Thermal Zone
- Composite Bus Enumerator
- Direct memory access controller
- Extended IO Bus
- File as Volume Driver
- High Definition Audio Controller
- High precision event timer
- Intel(R) 82801 PCI Bridge - 2448
- Intel(R) 82802 Firmware Hub Device
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family PCI Express Root Port 1 - 2940
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family PCI Express Root Port 2 - 2942
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family SMBus Controller - 2930
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family Thermal Subsystem - 2932
- Intel(R) ICH9M LPC Interface Controller - 2919
- Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Embedded Controller
- Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System
- Microsoft System Management BIOS Driver
- Microsoft Virtual Drive Enumerator Driver
- Microsoft Windows Management Interface for ACPI
- Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Chipset Processor to DRAM Controller - 2A40
- Motherboard resources
- Numeric data processor
- PCI bus
- Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator
- Programmable interrupt controller
- System CMOS/real time clock
- System timer
- Terminal Server Keyboard Driver
- Terminal Server Mouse Driver
- UMBus Enumerator
- UMBus Root Bus Enumerator
- Volume Manager
+ Universal Serial Bus controllers
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2934
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2935
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2936
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2937
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2938
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2939
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 293A
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 293C
- USB Composite Device
- USB Root Hub
- USB Root Hub
- USB Root Hub
- USB Root Hub
- USB Root Hub
- USB Root Hub
- USB Root Hub
- USB Root Hub
+ {FC80E0C0-C54E-4ccd-8D7A-CDF5ACB65F2E}
- Keyboard Filter

00541943 mov eax, [ebp-$c]
00541946 push eax
00541947 mov eax, [eax]
00541949 call dword ptr [eax+$38]
0054194c call -$140389 ($4015c8) ; System.@CheckAutoResult (rtl120.bpl)
00541951 > mov edx, [ebp-$30]
00541954 mov eax, [ebp-$14]
00541957 add eax, $38
0054195a call -$1403df ($401580) ; System.@IntfCopy (rtl120.bpl)
0054195f 0961 mov eax, [ebp-$14]
00541962 cmp dword ptr [eax+$38], 0

date/time : 2010-11-17, 08:29:21, 284ms
computer name : MARIO
user name : Mario <admin>
registered owner : Microsoft / Microsoft
operating system : Windows 7 x64 build 7600
system language : English
system up time : 56 minutes 19 seconds
program up time : 7 seconds
processors : 2x Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz
physical memory : 2652/3999 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 5.55 GB
display mode : 1366x768, 32 bit
process id : $110c
allocated memory : 64.02 MB
executable : GameBooster.exe
current module : madExcept_.bpl
exec. date/time : 2010-11-12 19:07
version :
compiled with : Delphi 2009
madExcept version : 3.0i
callstack crc : $93ad924c, $6c57cc44, $6c57cc44
exception number : 1
exception class : EOleException
exception message : Catastrophic failure.

main thread ($ea8):
00541951 +179 GameBooster.exe saTask 960 +30 TTaskScheduler.Refresh
005463f0 +02c GameBooster.exe Unit_TSCommon 349 +4 IsTaskExists
00546656 +022 GameBooster.exe Unit_TSCommon 431 +3 DeleteTask
0054bc6d +009 GameBooster.exe Form_Options 526 +1 TOptionsForm.RadioButton_LaunchupClick
0054b5f0 +878 GameBooster.exe Form_Options 474 +73 TOptionsForm.FormShow
501f0601 +015 vcl120.bpl Forms TCustomForm.DoShow
501f4a21 +0a9 vcl120.bpl Forms TCustomForm.CMShowingChanged
501d0c0e +2d2 vcl120.bpl Controls TControl.WndProc
501d529b +513 vcl120.bpl Controls TWinControl.WndProc
501f0fa4 +594 vcl120.bpl Forms TCustomForm.WndProc
501d0834 +024 vcl120.bpl Controls TControl.Perform
501d475d +10d vcl120.bpl Controls TWinControl.UpdateShowing
501d486c +0bc vcl120.bpl Controls TWinControl.UpdateControlState
501d744e +026 vcl120.bpl Controls TWinControl.CMVisibleChanged
501d0c0e +2d2 vcl120.bpl Controls TControl.WndProc
501d529b +513 vcl120.bpl Controls TWinControl.WndProc
501f0fa4 +594 vcl120.bpl Forms TCustomForm.WndProc
501d0834 +024 vcl120.bpl Controls TControl.Perform
501cf26e +026 vcl120.bpl Controls TControl.SetVisible
501f089a +03a vcl120.bpl Forms TCustomForm.SetVisible
501f55d3 +007 vcl120.bpl Forms TCustomForm.Show
501f5809 +14d vcl120.bpl Forms TCustomForm.ShowModal
00567687 +027 GameBooster.exe Form_Main 3350 +6 TMainForm.ImageNote_optionsClick
0056a114 +030 GameBooster.exe Form_Main 4387 +11 TMainForm.OnShowSetttings
501d0c0e +2d2 vcl120.bpl Controls TControl.WndProc
501d529b +513 vcl120.bpl Controls TWinControl.WndProc
501f0fa4 +594 vcl120.bpl Forms TCustomForm.WndProc
501d49b4 +02c vcl120.bpl Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
75e27df5 +00a USER32.dll DispatchMessageW
501f9ec7 +0f3 vcl120.bpl Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage
501f9f0a +00a vcl120.bpl Forms TApplication.HandleMessage
501fa235 +0c9 vcl120.bpl Forms TApplication.Run
75bc3675 +010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $1210:
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $d3c:
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $108c:
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $a84:
75d40810 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75bc117f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75bc1133 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $c60:
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $1144:
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $f94:
75d42c4a +5f KERNELBASE.dll SleepEx
75d4351b +0a KERNELBASE.dll Sleep
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $1368:
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $fc8:
75d40810 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75bc117f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75bc1133 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $778:
75d407ae +30 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75bc117f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $de4:
75d40810 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75bc117f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75bc1133 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $fd4:
7530302b +5b WS2_32.dll WahReferenceContextByHandle
75304a1d +9c WS2_32.dll select
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $a28: <priority:1>
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

00400000 GameBooster.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
50000000 rtl120.bpl 12.0.3210.17555 C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
50120000 vcl120.bpl 12.0.3210.17555 C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
50310000 vclx120.bpl 12.0.3210.17555 C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
57000000 madBasic_.bpl C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
57800000 madDisAsm_.bpl C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
59800000 madExcept_.bpl C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
6ed70000 mshtml.dll 8.0.7600.16671 C:\Windows\SysWOW64
70de0000 ieframe.dll 8.0.7600.16671 C:\Windows\SysWOW64
71b80000 sensapi.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
71b90000 rasman.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
71bb0000 RASAPI32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
72230000 jscript.dll 5.8.7600.16475 C:\Windows\SysWow64
72360000 mlang.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
72390000 msxml3.dll 8.110.7600.16605 C:\Windows\System32
724d0000 rtutils.dll 6.1.7600.16617 C:\Windows\system32
72740000 SXS.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
72800000 netprofm.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\System32
72aa0000 NTDSAPI.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
72ac0000 fastprox.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32\wbem
72e00000 wbemcomn.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
73070000 ntshrui.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
73150000 EhStorShell.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
73260000 comctl32.dll 6.10.7600.16661 C:\Windows\WinSxS\
73400000 apphelp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
73460000 fwpuclnt.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\System32
734d0000 wshtcpip.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\System32
734e0000 WLIDNSP.DLL 7.250.4225.0 C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live
73510000 WINNSI.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
73520000 iphlpapi.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
73540000 mdnsNSP.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Bonjour
73570000 pnrpnsp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
73590000 napinsp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
735a0000 dnsapi.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
735f0000 srvcli.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
73650000 winrnr.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\System32
73660000 mswsock.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
736a0000 NLAapi.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
736b0000 RpcRtRemote.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
73780000 wbemprox.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32\wbem
737a0000 oleacc.dll C:\Windows\system32
73e90000 msimg32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
73ea0000 slc.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
73ec0000 wbemsvc.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32\wbem
740c0000 wship6.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\System32
740d0000 PowrProf.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74140000 WindowsCodecs.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74240000 rsaenh.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74280000 rasadhlp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74310000 oledlg.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74370000 CRYPTSP.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74390000 winmm.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
744b0000 dwmapi.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74530000 mpr.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74550000 winspool.drv 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74640000 gdiplus.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\WinSxS\
74900000 propsys.dll 7.0.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74a00000 ntmarta.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74a30000 uxtheme.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74ab0000 profapi.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74ae0000 cscapi.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74c40000 version.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74c50000 wsock32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74e90000 npmproxy.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\System32
74eb0000 msimtf.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74ed0000 LINKINFO.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74ee0000 wmiutils.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32\wbem
74f00000 wbemdisp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32\wbem
74f40000 msls31.dll 3.10.349.0 C:\Windows\SysWOW64
74f70000 taskschd.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\SysWOW64
74ff0000 olepro32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
75010000 PowerConfig.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
750f0000 CRYPTBASE.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75100000 SspiCli.dll 6.1.7600.16484 C:\Windows\syswow64
75160000 MSASN1.dll 6.1.7600.16415 C:\Windows\syswow64
75170000 IMAGEHLP.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
751a0000 ADVAPI32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75240000 sechost.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\SysWOW64
752f0000 NSI.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75300000 WS2_32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
753a0000 SHLWAPI.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75400000 Normaliz.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75410000 CFGMGR32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75440000 PSAPI.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75450000 IMM32.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
754b0000 GDI32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75540000 SETUPAPI.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
756e0000 comdlg32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75760000 ole32.dll 6.1.7600.16624 C:\Windows\syswow64
758c0000 urlmon.dll 8.0.7600.16671 C:\Windows\syswow64
75a00000 CLBCatQ.DLL 2001.12.8530.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75a90000 CRYPT32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75bb0000 kernel32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75cb0000 WLDAP32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75d00000 WINTRUST.dll 6.1.7600.16493 C:\Windows\syswow64
75d30000 KERNELBASE.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75d80000 oleaut32.dll 6.1.7600.16567 C:\Windows\syswow64
75e10000 USER32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75f10000 WININET.dll 8.0.7600.16671 C:\Windows\syswow64
76010000 iertutil.dll 8.0.7600.16671 C:\Windows\syswow64
76210000 MSCTF.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
762e0000 shell32.dll 6.1.7600.16644 C:\Windows\syswow64
76f30000 USP10.dll 1.626.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
76fd0000 msvcrt.dll 7.0.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
77080000 RPCRT4.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
77170000 DEVOBJ.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
77560000 LPK.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
77590000 ntdll.dll 6.1.7600.16559 C:\Windows\SysWOW64

0000 Idle 0 0 0
0004 System 0 0 0
0120 smss.exe 0 0 0
018c csrss.exe 0 0 0
01c4 wininit.exe 0 0 0
01e0 csrss.exe 1 0 0
020c services.exe 0 0 0
0224 lsass.exe 0 0 0
022c lsm.exe 0 0 0
0244 winlogon.exe 1 0 0
02b8 svchost.exe 0 0 0
031c svchost.exe 0 0 0
0390 svchost.exe 0 0 0
03b0 svchost.exe 0 0 0
03e0 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0188 svchost.exe 0 0 0
013c svchost.exe 0 0 0
0450 AvastSvc.exe 0 0 0
0580 dwm.exe 1 18 2 high
0588 explorer.exe 1 447 284 normal
0680 spoolsv.exe 0 0 0
06ac svchost.exe 0 0 0
06e8 taskhost.exe 1 87 42 normal
0780 SynTPEnh.exe 1 67 35 above normal
07a8 cAudioFilterAgent64.exe 1 15 7 normal
07d4 AppleMobileDeviceService.exe 0 0 0
02c8 igfxtray.exe 1 13 5 normal
04e4 hkcmd.exe 1 11 16 normal
04ec igfxpers.exe 1 10 4 normal
0490 LightScribeControlPanel.exe 1 52 22 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\LightScribe
0770 RocketDock.exe 1 52 46 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\RocketDock
0830 mDNSResponder.exe 0 0 0
085c svchost.exe 0 0 0
087c svchost.exe 0 0 0
0890 svchost.exe 0 0 0
08a8 LSSrvc.exe 0 0 0
08fc hpqtra08.exe 1 15 14 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\Digital Imaging\bin
096c Rainmeter.exe 1 26 20 normal
09a0 QPService.exe 1 15 15 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\QuickPlay
09ac RichVideo.exe 0 0 0
09cc svchost.exe 0 0 0
09e8 TeamViewer_Service.exe 0 0 0
09fc QLBCTRL.exe 1 10 9 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\HP Quick Launch Buttons
0a0c HPWAMain.exe 1 36 21 normal
0a14 AvastUI.exe 1 89 23 normal C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5
0acc TomTomHOMEService.exe 0 0 0
0af8 vmware-usbarbitrator.exe 0 0 0
0b88 vmnat.exe 0 0 0
0bc0 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0be0 WLIDSVC.EXE 0 0 0
0840 vmware-authd.exe 0 0 0
0908 vmnetdhcp.exe 0 0 0
078c WLIDSVCM.EXE 0 0 0
0cdc hpqWmiEx.exe 0 0 0
0d88 SearchIndexer.exe 0 0 0
0e3c svchost.exe 0 0 0
0e6c svchost.exe 0 0 0
0fbc WmiPrvSE.exe 0 0 0
0730 SynTPHelper.exe 1 9 3 above normal
0cb8 Com4QLBEx.exe 0 0 0
109c hpqToaster.exe 1 10 6 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\Shared
0654 HPHC_Service.exe 0 0 0
0fb4 svchost.exe 0 0 0
1124 wmpnetwk.exe 0 0 0
03f4 OSPPSVC.EXE 0 0 0
1278 OSE.EXE 0 0 0
0e94 SearchFilterHost.exe 0 0 0 idle
0c6c audiodg.exe 0 0 0
1064 SearchProtocolHost.exe 1 5 6 idle
110c GameBooster.exe 1 1283 261 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
0670 gamebox.exe 1 102 39 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
02e0 WmiPrvSE.exe 0 0 0

+ Batteries
- Microsoft AC Adapter
- Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery
- Microsoft Composite Battery
+ Computer
- ACPI x64-based PC
+ Disk drives
+ Display adapters
- Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family (driver
- Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family (driver
+ DVD/CD-ROM drives
- hp DVD RW AD-7561S ATA Device
- IZE 8PEJC1Y3 SCSI CdRom Device
+ IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers
- ATA Channel 0
- ATA Channel 1
- ATA Channel 4
- ATA Channel 5
- Intel(R) ICH9M/M-E Family 4 Port SATA AHCI Controller - 2929 (driver
+ Imaging devices
- HP Webcam-101
+ Keyboards
- Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard with HP QLB (driver
+ Mice and other pointing devices
- Synaptics PS/2 Port TouchPad (driver
+ Modems
- HDAUDIO Soft Data Fax Modem with SmartCP (driver
+ Monitors
- Generic PnP Monitor
+ Network adapters
- Atheros AR9285 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter (driver
- Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller (driver 7.3.522.2009)
- VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet1 (driver
- VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet8 (driver
+ Processors
- Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz
- Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz
+ Sound, video and game controllers
- Conexant Pebble High Definition SmartAudio (driver
- CyberLink WebCam Virtual Driver (driver 6.0.5600.0)
- Intel(R) High Definition Audio HDMI (driver
+ Storage controllers
- AT61JUNG IDE Controller
- Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
+ Storage volume shadow copies
- Generic volume shadow copy
- Generic volume shadow copy
- Generic volume shadow copy
- Generic volume shadow copy
- Generic volume shadow copy
- Generic volume shadow copy
- Generic volume shadow copy
+ System devices
- ACPI Fixed Feature Button
- ACPI Lid
- ACPI Sleep Button
- ACPI Thermal Zone
- ACPI Thermal Zone
- Composite Bus Enumerator
- Direct memory access controller
- Extended IO Bus
- File as Volume Driver
- High Definition Audio Controller
- High precision event timer
- Intel(R) 82801 PCI Bridge - 2448
- Intel(R) 82802 Firmware Hub Device
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family PCI Express Root Port 1 - 2940
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family PCI Express Root Port 2 - 2942
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family SMBus Controller - 2930
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family Thermal Subsystem - 2932
- Intel(R) ICH9M LPC Interface Controller - 2919
- Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Embedded Controller
- Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System
- Microsoft System Management BIOS Driver
- Microsoft Virtual Drive Enumerator Driver
- Microsoft Windows Management Interface for ACPI
- Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Chipset Processor to DRAM Controller - 2A40
- Motherboard resources
- Numeric data processor
- PCI bus
- Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator
- Programmable interrupt controller
- System CMOS/real time clock
- System timer
- Terminal Server Keyboard Driver
- Terminal Server Mouse Driver
- UMBus Enumerator
- UMBus Root Bus Enumerator
- Volume Manager
+ Universal Serial Bus controllers
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2934
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2935
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2936
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2937
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2938
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2939
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 293A
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 293C
- USB Composite Device
- USB Root Hub
- USB Root Hub
- USB Root Hub
- USB Root Hub
- USB Root Hub
- USB Root Hub
- USB Root Hub
- USB Root Hub
+ {FC80E0C0-C54E-4ccd-8D7A-CDF5ACB65F2E}
- Keyboard Filter

00541943 mov eax, [ebp-$c]
00541946 push eax
00541947 mov eax, [eax]
00541949 call dword ptr [eax+$38]
0054194c call -$140389 ($4015c8) ; System.@CheckAutoResult (rtl120.bpl)
00541951 > mov edx, [ebp-$30]
00541954 mov eax, [ebp-$14]
00541957 add eax, $38
0054195a call -$1403df ($401580) ; System.@IntfCopy (rtl120.bpl)
0054195f 0961 mov eax, [ebp-$14]
00541962 cmp dword ptr [eax+$38], 0

date/time : 2010-11-17, 08:29:38, 822ms
computer name : MARIO
user name : Mario <admin>
registered owner : Microsoft / Microsoft
operating system : Windows 7 x64 build 7600
system language : English
system up time : 56 minutes 37 seconds
program up time : 25 seconds
processors : 2x Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz
physical memory : 2639/3999 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 5.55 GB
display mode : 1366x768, 32 bit
process id : $110c
allocated memory : 92.16 MB
executable : GameBooster.exe
current module : madExcept_.bpl
exec. date/time : 2010-11-12 19:07
version :
compiled with : Delphi 2009
madExcept version : 3.0i
contact name : Mario Barrios
contact email :
callstack crc : $93ad924c, $1fa7761c, $1fa7761c
exception number : 2
exception class : EOleException
exception message : Catastrophic failure.

main thread ($ea8):
00541951 +179 GameBooster.exe saTask 960 +30 TTaskScheduler.Refresh
005463f0 +02c GameBooster.exe Unit_TSCommon 349 +4 IsTaskExists
00546656 +022 GameBooster.exe Unit_TSCommon 431 +3 DeleteTask
00549bed +01d GameBooster.exe Form_Options 158 +2 SetStartup
0054a1d9 +50d GameBooster.exe Form_Options 238 +56 TOptionsForm.Button_ApplyClick
501d1177 +06f vcl120.bpl Controls TControl.Click
5014245e +01e vcl120.bpl Stdctrls TCustomButton.Click
50142ec0 +010 vcl120.bpl Stdctrls TCustomButton.CNCommand
501d0c0e +2d2 vcl120.bpl Controls TControl.WndProc
501d529b +513 vcl120.bpl Controls TWinControl.WndProc
50142124 +06c vcl120.bpl Stdctrls TButtonControl.WndProc
501d0834 +024 vcl120.bpl Controls TControl.Perform
501d5e47 +00b vcl120.bpl Controls TWinControl.WMCommand
501d0c0e +2d2 vcl120.bpl Controls TControl.WndProc
501d529b +513 vcl120.bpl Controls TWinControl.WndProc
501d49b4 +02c vcl120.bpl Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
775a00e3 +02b ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
75e2cd7c +047 USER32.dll SendMessageW
75e30ad1 +016 USER32.dll CallWindowProcW
501d5397 +0d7 vcl120.bpl Controls TWinControl.DefaultHandler
501d1594 +010 vcl120.bpl Controls TControl.WMLButtonUp
501d0c0e +2d2 vcl120.bpl Controls TControl.WndProc
501d529b +513 vcl120.bpl Controls TWinControl.WndProc
50142124 +06c vcl120.bpl Stdctrls TButtonControl.WndProc
501d49b4 +02c vcl120.bpl Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
75e27df5 +00a USER32.dll DispatchMessageW
501f9ec7 +0f3 vcl120.bpl Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage
501f9f0a +00a vcl120.bpl Forms TApplication.HandleMessage
501f5843 +187 vcl120.bpl Forms TCustomForm.ShowModal
00567687 +027 GameBooster.exe Form_Main 3350 +6 TMainForm.ImageNote_optionsClick
0056a114 +030 GameBooster.exe Form_Main 4387 +11 TMainForm.OnShowSetttings
501d0c0e +2d2 vcl120.bpl Controls TControl.WndProc
501d8315 +035 vcl120.bpl Controls TWinControl.AdjustSize
500071ba +002 rtl120.bpl System @ClassDestroy
50046d54 +018 rtl120.bpl Classes TList.Destroy
50046dfd +055 rtl120.bpl Classes TList.Delete
500470e1 +015 rtl120.bpl Classes TList.Remove
501d49b4 +02c vcl120.bpl Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
75e27df5 +00a USER32.dll DispatchMessageW
501f9ec7 +0f3 vcl120.bpl Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage
501f9f0a +00a vcl120.bpl Forms TApplication.HandleMessage
501fa235 +0c9 vcl120.bpl Forms TApplication.Run
75bc3675 +010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $1210:
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $d3c:
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $108c:
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $a84:
75d40810 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75bc117f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75bc1133 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $c60:
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $1144:
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $f94:
75d42c4a +5f KERNELBASE.dll SleepEx
75d4351b +0a KERNELBASE.dll Sleep
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $1368:
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $fc8:
75d40810 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75bc117f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75bc1133 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $778:
75d407ae +30 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75bc117f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $de4:
75d40810 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75bc117f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
75bc1133 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $fd4:
7530302b +5b WS2_32.dll WahReferenceContextByHandle
75304a1d +9c WS2_32.dll select
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $a28: <priority:1>
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $c54:
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $374:
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $1314:
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $1230:
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $b50:
75bc3675 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

00400000 GameBooster.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
0a850000 igdumd32.dll C:\Windows\system32
10000000 igdumdx32.dll C:\Windows\system32
50000000 rtl120.bpl 12.0.3210.17555 C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
50120000 vcl120.bpl 12.0.3210.17555 C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
50310000 vclx120.bpl 12.0.3210.17555 C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
57000000 madBasic_.bpl C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
57800000 madDisAsm_.bpl C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
59800000 madExcept_.bpl C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
6ed70000 mshtml.dll 8.0.7600.16671 C:\Windows\SysWOW64
70de0000 ieframe.dll 8.0.7600.16671 C:\Windows\SysWOW64
71b80000 sensapi.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
71b90000 rasman.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
71bb0000 RASAPI32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
721d0000 Dxtmsft.dll 8.0.7600.16385 C:\Windows\SysWOW64
72230000 jscript.dll 5.8.7600.16475 C:\Windows\SysWow64
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72800000 netprofm.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\System32
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72e00000 wbemcomn.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
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73150000 EhStorShell.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
73260000 comctl32.dll 6.10.7600.16661 C:\Windows\WinSxS\
73400000 apphelp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
73460000 fwpuclnt.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\System32
734d0000 wshtcpip.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\System32
734e0000 WLIDNSP.DLL 7.250.4225.0 C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live
73510000 WINNSI.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
73520000 iphlpapi.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
73540000 mdnsNSP.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Bonjour
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735a0000 dnsapi.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
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73660000 mswsock.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
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736b0000 RpcRtRemote.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
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737a0000 oleacc.dll C:\Windows\system32
73d70000 DDRAW.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\SysWOW64
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73ec0000 wbemsvc.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32\wbem
740c0000 wship6.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\System32
740d0000 PowrProf.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74100000 DCIMAN32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\SysWOW64
74140000 WindowsCodecs.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74240000 rsaenh.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
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74330000 ATL.DLL 3.5.2284.0 C:\Windows\SysWOW64
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74530000 mpr.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74550000 winspool.drv 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74640000 gdiplus.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\WinSxS\
74900000 propsys.dll 7.0.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74a00000 ntmarta.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74a30000 uxtheme.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74ab0000 profapi.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
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74c40000 version.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74c50000 wsock32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74e50000 Dxtrans.dll 8.0.7600.16385 C:\Windows\SysWOW64
74e90000 npmproxy.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\System32
74eb0000 msimtf.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74ed0000 LINKINFO.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
74ee0000 wmiutils.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32\wbem
74f00000 wbemdisp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32\wbem
74f40000 msls31.dll 3.10.349.0 C:\Windows\SysWOW64
74f70000 taskschd.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\SysWOW64
74ff0000 olepro32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
75010000 PowerConfig.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
750f0000 CRYPTBASE.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75100000 SspiCli.dll 6.1.7600.16484 C:\Windows\syswow64
75160000 MSASN1.dll 6.1.7600.16415 C:\Windows\syswow64
75170000 IMAGEHLP.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
751a0000 ADVAPI32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75240000 sechost.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\SysWOW64
752f0000 NSI.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75300000 WS2_32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
753a0000 SHLWAPI.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75400000 Normaliz.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75410000 CFGMGR32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75440000 PSAPI.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75450000 IMM32.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32
754b0000 GDI32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75540000 SETUPAPI.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
756e0000 comdlg32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75760000 ole32.dll 6.1.7600.16624 C:\Windows\syswow64
758c0000 urlmon.dll 8.0.7600.16671 C:\Windows\syswow64
75a00000 CLBCatQ.DLL 2001.12.8530.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75a90000 CRYPT32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75bb0000 kernel32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75cb0000 WLDAP32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75d00000 WINTRUST.dll 6.1.7600.16493 C:\Windows\syswow64
75d30000 KERNELBASE.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75d80000 oleaut32.dll 6.1.7600.16567 C:\Windows\syswow64
75e10000 USER32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
75f10000 WININET.dll 8.0.7600.16671 C:\Windows\syswow64
76010000 iertutil.dll 8.0.7600.16671 C:\Windows\syswow64
76210000 MSCTF.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
762e0000 shell32.dll 6.1.7600.16644 C:\Windows\syswow64
76f30000 USP10.dll 1.626.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
76fd0000 msvcrt.dll 7.0.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
77080000 RPCRT4.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
77170000 DEVOBJ.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
77560000 LPK.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64
77590000 ntdll.dll 6.1.7600.16559 C:\Windows\SysWOW64

0000 Idle 0 0 0
0004 System 0 0 0
0120 smss.exe 0 0 0
018c csrss.exe 0 0 0
01c4 wininit.exe 0 0 0
01e0 csrss.exe 1 0 0
020c services.exe 0 0 0
0224 lsass.exe 0 0 0
022c lsm.exe 0 0 0
0244 winlogon.exe 1 0 0
02b8 svchost.exe 0 0 0
031c svchost.exe 0 0 0
0390 svchost.exe 0 0 0
03b0 svchost.exe 0 0 0
03e0 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0188 svchost.exe 0 0 0
013c svchost.exe 0 0 0
0450 AvastSvc.exe 0 0 0
0580 dwm.exe 1 18 2 high
0588 explorer.exe 1 447 285 normal
0680 spoolsv.exe 0 0 0
06ac svchost.exe 0 0 0
06e8 taskhost.exe 1 87 45 normal
0780 SynTPEnh.exe 1 67 35 above normal
07a8 cAudioFilterAgent64.exe 1 15 7 normal
07d4 AppleMobileDeviceService.exe 0 0 0
02c8 igfxtray.exe 1 13 5 normal
04e4 hkcmd.exe 1 11 16 normal
04ec igfxpers.exe 1 10 4 normal
0490 LightScribeControlPanel.exe 1 52 22 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\LightScribe
0770 RocketDock.exe 1 52 46 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\RocketDock
0830 mDNSResponder.exe 0 0 0
085c svchost.exe 0 0 0
087c svchost.exe 0 0 0
0890 svchost.exe 0 0 0
08a8 LSSrvc.exe 0 0 0
08fc hpqtra08.exe 1 15 14 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\Digital Imaging\bin
096c Rainmeter.exe 1 26 20 normal
09a0 QPService.exe 1 15 15 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\QuickPlay
09ac RichVideo.exe 0 0 0
09cc svchost.exe 0 0 0
09e8 TeamViewer_Service.exe 0 0 0
09fc QLBCTRL.exe 1 10 9 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\HP Quick Launch Buttons
0a0c HPWAMain.exe 1 36 21 normal
0a14 AvastUI.exe 1 89 23 normal C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5
0acc TomTomHOMEService.exe 0 0 0
0af8 vmware-usbarbitrator.exe 0 0 0
0b88 vmnat.exe 0 0 0
0bc0 svchost.exe 0 0 0
0be0 WLIDSVC.EXE 0 0 0
0840 vmware-authd.exe 0 0 0
0908 vmnetdhcp.exe 0 0 0
078c WLIDSVCM.EXE 0 0 0
0cdc hpqWmiEx.exe 0 0 0
0d88 SearchIndexer.exe 0 0 0
0e3c svchost.exe 0 0 0
0e6c svchost.exe 0 0 0
0fbc WmiPrvSE.exe 0 0 0
0730 SynTPHelper.exe 1 9 3 above normal
0cb8 Com4QLBEx.exe 0 0 0
109c hpqToaster.exe 1 10 6 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\Shared
0654 HPHC_Service.exe 0 0 0
0fb4 svchost.exe 0 0 0
1124 wmpnetwk.exe 0 0 0
03f4 OSPPSVC.EXE 0 0 0
1278 OSE.EXE 0 0 0
0e94 SearchFilterHost.exe 0 0 0 idle
0c6c audiodg.exe 0 0 0
1064 SearchProtocolHost.exe 1 5 6 idle
110c GameBooster.exe 1 1335 256 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
0670 gamebox.exe 1 102 39 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster
02e0 WmiPrvSE.exe 0 0 0

+ Batteries
- Microsoft AC Adapter
- Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery
- Microsoft Composite Battery
+ Computer
- ACPI x64-based PC
+ Disk drives
+ Display adapters
- Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family (driver
- Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family (driver
+ DVD/CD-ROM drives
- hp DVD RW AD-7561S ATA Device
- IZE 8PEJC1Y3 SCSI CdRom Device
+ IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers
- ATA Channel 0
- ATA Channel 1
- ATA Channel 4
- ATA Channel 5
- Intel(R) ICH9M/M-E Family 4 Port SATA AHCI Controller - 2929 (driver
+ Imaging devices
- HP Webcam-101
+ Keyboards
- Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard with HP QLB (driver
+ Mice and other pointing devices
- Synaptics PS/2 Port TouchPad (driver
+ Modems
- HDAUDIO Soft Data Fax Modem with SmartCP (driver
+ Monitors
- Generic PnP Monitor
+ Network adapters
- Atheros AR9285 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter (driver
- Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller (driver 7.3.522.2009)
- VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet1 (driver
- VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet8 (driver
+ Processors
- Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz
- Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz
+ Sound, video and game controllers
- Conexant Pebble High Definition SmartAudio (driver
- CyberLink WebCam Virtual Driver (driver 6.0.5600.0)
- Intel(R) High Definition Audio HDMI (driver
+ Storage controllers
- AT61JUNG IDE Controller
- Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
+ Storage volume shadow copies
- Generic volume shadow copy
- Generic volume shadow copy
- Generic volume shadow copy
- Generic volume shadow copy
- Generic volume shadow copy
- Generic volume shadow copy
- Generic volume shadow copy
+ System devices
- ACPI Fixed Feature Button
- ACPI Lid
- ACPI Sleep Button
- ACPI Thermal Zone
- ACPI Thermal Zone
- Composite Bus Enumerator
- Direct memory access controller
- Extended IO Bus
- File as Volume Driver
- High Definition Audio Controller
- High precision event timer
- Intel(R) 82801 PCI Bridge - 2448
- Intel(R) 82802 Firmware Hub Device
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family PCI Express Root Port 1 - 2940
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family PCI Express Root Port 2 - 2942
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family SMBus Controller - 2930
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family Thermal Subsystem - 2932
- Intel(R) ICH9M LPC Interface Controller - 2919
- Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Embedded Controller
- Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System
- Microsoft System Management BIOS Driver
- Microsoft Virtual Drive Enumerator Driver
- Microsoft Windows Management Interface for ACPI
- Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Chipset Processor to DRAM Controller - 2A40
- Motherboard resources
- Numeric data processor
- PCI bus
- Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator
- Programmable interrupt controller
- System CMOS/real time clock
- System timer
- Terminal Server Keyboard Driver
- Terminal Server Mouse Driver
- UMBus Enumerator
- UMBus Root Bus Enumerator
- Volume Manager
+ Universal Serial Bus controllers
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2934
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2935
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2936
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2937
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2938
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2939
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 293A
- Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 293C
- USB Composite Device
- USB Root Hub
- USB Root Hub
- USB Root Hub
- USB Root Hub
- USB Root Hub
- USB Root Hub
- USB Root Hub
- USB Root Hub
+ {FC80E0C0-C54E-4ccd-8D7A-CDF5ACB65F2E}
- Keyboard Filter

00541943 mov eax, [ebp-$c]
00541946 push eax
00541947 mov eax, [eax]
00541949 call dword ptr [eax+$38]
0054194c call -$140389 ($4015c8) ; System.@CheckAutoResult (rtl120.bpl)
00541951 > mov edx, [ebp-$30]
00541954 mov eax, [ebp-$14]
00541957 add eax, $38
0054195a call -$1403
Site Admin
Posts: 2392
Joined: Thu Nov 21, 2002 3:17 pm

Post by isiticov »


Thank you for your report. Unfortunately, we were unable to reproduce this problem on our side. Could you please try to create a sample application that reproduces this problem and send it to us?
Best regards,
Igor Siticov.
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:55 am

Post by wizard »

I have sent my demo and bugreport to your customer support, have your received them? Have you found out what's wrong with my demo?
Site Admin
Posts: 2392
Joined: Thu Nov 21, 2002 3:17 pm

Post by isiticov »


Thank you for your mail right after the weekend we will reply to you.
Best regards,
Igor Siticov.
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:55 am

Post by wizard »

Site Admin
Posts: 2392
Joined: Thu Nov 21, 2002 3:17 pm

Post by isiticov »

Thank you again for your sample project. Unforunately it works just fine on our side under Windows 7. Without any error. May be there are some specific OS settings used on your customer's PC?
Best regards,
Igor Siticov.
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:55 am

Post by wizard »

Hello, it works just fine on my computer. But it doesn't work on my user's computer. Could you tell me what special settings can make this error? How can i fix it? Make it work fine on that computer too.
Will it be a error caused by the using of your Control in my demo, such as the initialization?
Site Admin
Posts: 2392
Joined: Thu Nov 21, 2002 3:17 pm

Post by isiticov »


The only idea I have is to check the security settings used on the PC that have this error reproduced.
Best regards,
Igor Siticov.
Post Reply