Error reading silang1.language: language name shall be ....

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Error reading silang1.language: language name shall be ....

Post by hthvdmeer »


I have some sib files that keep giving the error above. Even in your editor. E.g.

1) What is wrong with the file?
2) What is wrong with the editor that it can not ignore this problem?
3) Why is the sourcecode of the editor not available so I can fix my problem?

I have 5 programs, each more then 100 forms of which more than 50% is shared. I have several customers maintaining there own copy of de sib file in their own language. It is very hard to keep this managaged because the editor is to limited.

For example:
1) I would like to be able to remove forms from a sib file.
2) I would like to be able to add two sibfiles together.
3) It is hard to add a form to a sib file if the sib file contains languages that are not in the Delphi code.

Thank you,

Henk van der meer

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Re: Error reading silang1.language: language name shall be .

Post by Haron »

> 1) What is wrong with the file?

It seems to be inproperly created. Can you save the same data as SIL ? I'll check it.

> 2) What is wrong with the editor that it can not ignore this problem?

Unsupported format - it that should be ok ? :)

> 2) I would like to be able to add two sibfiles together.

Is merge not a solution ?

Support will answer rest questions soon, please be patient.
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Joined: Sat Oct 29, 2005 11:15 am

Post by hthvdmeer »

1) The file was edited in the regular sileditor.
It was corrupted after the edit.
I've had this several times.
I can not read it any more, so I can not save it to a sil file.

2) I think it has something to do with the fact that I tried to translate the language names. Now it seems to think there are extra languages.

3) My software was also unable to read the file. But I change your source a little:
It was
procedure TsiCustomLang.SetLanguage(const Value: Tstring);
if FLanguage = Value then Exit;
if FLangNames.IndexOf(Value) < 0 then
ELanguageError.Create('Language name shall be included in LangNames property!');
FLanguage := Value;
if not (csLoading in ComponentState) and not FSIBLoading then
if FLangNames.IndexOf(FLanguage) > -1 then
ActiveLanguage := FLangNames.IndexOf(FLanguage) + 1;

I've changed it to

procedure TsiCustomLang.SetLanguage(const Value: Tstring);
if FLanguage = Value then Exit;
if FLangNames.IndexOf(Value) < 0 then
ELanguageError.Create('Language name shall be included in LangNames property!');
FLanguage := Value;
if not (csLoading in ComponentState) and not FSIBLoading then
if FLangNames.IndexOf(FLanguage) > -1 then
ActiveLanguage := FLangNames.IndexOf(FLanguage) + 1;

If I had the source of siledit I could do the same there.

4) Please, I don't want to press you but I really need this bad!!

Thank you,

Henk van der Meer
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Post by isiticov »

At is placed latest beta which will allow you to open this file.
Sources of SIL Editor is available on request. Please let us know if this helps.
Best regards,
Igor Siticov.
Posts: 7
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Post by hthvdmeer »

Yes, thank you very much.
This fixes the problem.

I would still be able to write my own (or extend your) sileditor.
Please tell me how to request the sources.


Henk van der Meer
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Post by isiticov »

I can send it to your email, but would like to precise small thing: we're finishing 6.0.1 release and there is still some work on SIL Editor. Will you prefer to get the version after release or current version?
Best regards,
Igor Siticov.
Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Oct 29, 2005 11:15 am

Post by hthvdmeer »

Would it be posible to get the editor now and to get the next version also?
Then I can start working on it.
It also gives me a save feeling. I almost lost a project because I could not edit the translations any more. This was ofcourse in a weekend.

Thank you,

Henk van der Meer.

ps. A presume that my email address is in your system?
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Post by isiticov »

Latest sources just sent to your email.
Please just remind me after the 6.0.1 release and I will send you the release sources of SIL Editor.
Best regards,
Igor Siticov.
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