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"UseTaskScheduler1Only" in Object Inspector

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:02 am
by fuwafunghk

I have downloaded the version . I have set this option to "False" and I run my application under my vista. But when I clicked the next button of "weekdays(Weekly or bi-weekly)-choosing page"(I modified the taskwizard.pas and fixed FTask.Trigger.Add(FTrigger) ), it showed me an error dialog with message "Interface not supported."

But when I set this option to "True". My application went okay under vista without any problem and also the taskscheduler had done its work. So, do we need to modify much code to use the VistaScheduler function? Can VCL Scheduling Agent 2.x hide the "mechanism" of "programming a scheduling function" to the easiest way(like "IF OS >= Vista THEN Use Scheduler 2.0 function ELSE Use Scheduler 1.x")?

Thanks for your kindly attention and your effort on VCL Scheduling Agent.

Best regards,
Fuwa Fung.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:58 am
by isiticov
like "IF OS >= Vista THEN Use Scheduler 2.0 function ELSE Use Scheduler 1.x")?
This is exactly how it works. And UseTaskScheduler1Only property designed in order to provide you with the ability to still use Scheduler 1.x under Vista.