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Always get "Access Denied" when attempting to chan

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:52 pm
by richardd
Hi all,

I have a routine to change the password on Scheduled Tasks.
Seems to have a problem on Vista.

function TMainForm.ChangeTaskPasswords(const AComputerName, AUserName, APassword: String): Boolean;
// NOTE: Unlike with Services, which uses .\account for local accounts, Scheduled Tasks seem to use
// computername\account.
TaskScheduler: TTaskScheduler;
Index: Integer;
LogEntry: String;
ErrorMessage: String;
Result := True;
TaskScheduler := TTaskScheduler.Create( nil );
TaskScheduler.AutoRefresh := False;
TaskScheduler.Duplicate := tdError;
TaskScheduler.Active := True;
TaskScheduler.TargetComputer := '\\' + AComputerName;
TaskScheduler.UseTaskScheduler1Only := True;

for Index := 0 to TaskScheduler.Count - 1 do begin
// Apparently the following call lets us access task properties:

TaskScheduler.Items[ Index ].Activate;

if AnsiSameText( TaskScheduler.Items[ Index ].AccountName, AComputerName + '\' + AUserName ) then

// Log the action
LogEntry := Format( 'Changing Password for Task: %0:s', [ TaskScheduler.Items[ Index ].Name ] );
LogAndAddProgress( LogEntry );

TaskScheduler.Items[ Index ].SetAccountInformation( TaskScheduler.TargetComputer {AComputerName} + '\' + AUserName, APassword );
TaskScheduler.Items[ Index ].Save; // when I get here, I always get the error "Access Denied" (I do have the proper remote firewall settings on the Vista machine I am trying to change)

// Log the success
LogEntry := Format( 'Task Password Change (Success) | Task: %0:s',
[ TaskScheduler.Items[ Index ].Name ]);
LogAndAddProgress( LogEntry );

on E: Exception do begin
// Log the failure
ErrorMessage := SysErrorMessage( GetLastError );
LogEntry := Format( 'Task Password Change (Failed) | Task: %0:s | Error: %1:s',
[ TaskScheduler.Items[ Index ].Name, ErrorMessage ]);
LogAndAddProgress( LogEntry );
Result := False;

Any thoughts/suggestions?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:44 am
by isiticov

Please try to set

Code: Select all

TaskScheduler.UseTaskScheduler1Only := True; 
before setting

Code: Select all

TaskScheduler.Active := True; 
TaskScheduler.TargetComputer := '\\' + AComputerName; 

Still get Access Denied error

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:54 pm
by richardd
Thanks for the tips, but unfortunately, it did not solve the issue.
I still get the "Access Denied" error.

It works great when running from an XP machine to an XP machine but doesn't work from XP to Vista.

As anybody ever got this to work?
If so, got any code snippet to demonstrate?

Thanks in advance.

Get same error message with Demo

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 8:23 pm
by richardd
More findings:

I tried creating a new task on a remote Vista machine using the demo and I get the same error message (Access Denied).

I know I have firewall settings correct (Remote Task Management, etc) but still get that error on remote Vista machine (the app is running on XP).

I notice in a few places that the code path changes depending on if the current machine is on XP or Vista and above. Shouldn't we check the version of the remote computer not the machine where we run the app from?

Need help on this please.

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 2:40 am
by isiticov
Do you have Administrator access rights for Vista PC when you connect to it?

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 5:27 pm
by richardd
Yes I am an administrator on the remote Vista machine.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 5:23 am
by isiticov
From MSDN:
For a Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, or Windows 2000 computer to create, monitor, or control tasks on a Windows Vista computer, the following operations should be completed on the Windows Vista computer, and the user who is calling the SetTargetComputer method must be a member of the Administrators group on the remote Windows Vista computer.

Enable the "Share File and Printers" exception in Windows Firewall

Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
In Control Panel, click Classic View and then double-click the Windows Firewall icon.
In the Windows Firewall window, click the Exceptions tab and select File and Printer Sharing exception check box.

Enable the "Remote Registry" service

Open a Command Prompt window and enter the following command: net start "Remote Registry"
Did you setup Remote Registry as well?