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Command-line merge losing delimiter

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 10:53 am
by jsweby
I have two SIL files from 2 separate projects that I want to merge together. I use this command line:

Code: Select all

"sileditor.exe" -morig "C:\dev\file1.sil" -mnew "C:\dev\file2.sil" -mlang all -msuperfl
The elements from file2.sil all end up in file1.sil as I would expect, but they have all lost their delimiter.


Code: Select all

merged into file1.sil

Code: Select all

The delimiter is the same in both files (@#@#) and the languages are both the same.

Some lines come through correctly, usually those with a standard caption such as OK or Cancel.

I tried changing the command line to use only language 1 ("Standard"):

Code: Select all

"sileditor.exe" -morig "C:\dev\file1.sil" -mnew "C:\dev\file2.sil" -mlang Standard -msuperfl
But this time not even the captions such as OK appeared with a delimiter.

If I use the SIL Editor to manually perform the merge (form the File menu), it works OK, all of the delimiters are saved correctly. In this case, I choose only "Standard" language (number 1), tick "Merge empty cells in original file" and don't tick "Skip superfluous entries".

Any thoughts please?

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:31 pm
by jsweby
Actually, the manual merge using SILEditor.exe doesn't quite work either. This time I selected both languages in the Merge Wizard.

All of the items under [Captions], [Hints] and [Other] are correctly merged into the new file:

Code: Select all

but under [Collections], [DisplayLabels], in fact everything else, I end up with:

Code: Select all

TfrmRecruitApplicants.DBGrid1.Columns-0+.Title.Caption=Skill indicator@#@#
This was like this in the original file (note the delimiter at the end):

Code: Select all

TfrmRecruitApplicants.DBGrid1.Columns-0+.Title.Caption=Skill indicator@#@#@#@#

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 1:45 pm
by jsweby
Performing this on SIB files works 100% correctly, the files are merged perfectly. The problem appears to be with SIL files.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:19 am
by isiticov
Please send us sample SIL files to reproduce this problem.

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 8:09 am
by jsweby
Email sent.