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Auto Translate missing some translations

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 3:02 pm
by jsweby
I have set up a very simple dictionary using the TsiLang Dictionary Manager. It has 2 languages ("Standard" and "Custom") and only about 6 entries. The first of these is:

Standard Custom
======== ========
Department Division

In the Files Editor, I open the dictionary, select Captions and click Auto Translate, with the following options:

Base language: Standard
Languages in dictionary: Custom
Options: Skip & when searching, Overwrite existing items

NB: Case sensitive search is UNTICKED.

When the translation has finished, I don't get all the results I'd expect.
  • Captions with just "Department" correctly become "Division".
    Captions with "Department:" (with a colon) translate correctly as "Division:"
    Captions with "Departments" (plural) don't translate
    Captions with "department" as part of a string don't translate (e.g. "by Department" or "Department Range")
How can I get it to replace any string containing the substring "department" with the translation?

Also, can the translation be done maintaining case? e.g.
  • Department --> Division
    department --> division

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 7:56 am
by isiticov

Auto-translate uses the exact match with some additional behavior like keeping special symbols like space, colon and so on at the end. Plural and sub-strings are not supported.

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 7:58 am
by jsweby

Thanks for letting me know. Is there any way to handle this, other than opening the SIL file in code and performing my own partial match StringReplace?

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 8:54 am
by isiticov
No, no way for this using any TsiLang methods. :(

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 8:57 am
by jsweby
OK, thanks.

Surprising though, didn't think I'd be the only one expecting/hoping that the translation would translate any part of a caption, not just whole word captions.