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Bug - Translation not using base language if field is blank

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 3:39 pm
by RobertJNoble
If i use 3+ languages and not all translations are filled in the sib file, the correct method should use the base language if a translation is missing. This however is not the case.
Example :

Language : L1 L2 L3

Caption L1 L2 L3
C1 C1 Blank Blank
C2 C2 C22 Blank
C3 C3 Blank C33

Language L1 selected -> C1 C2 C3
Language L2 selected next -> C1 C22 C3
Language L3 selected next -> C1 C22 C33 > this is incorrect
it should be C1 C2 C33, the base language when no translation available.
Language L2 selected next -> C1 C22 C33 > this is incorrect again.

It appears that a blank translation does not fire the event to translate and therefore keeps whatever the control had as its last contents.


Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:42 pm
by isiticov
This is not a bug.
Just set TranslateType property to ttGetDeafult and you will have the behavior you need.