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Storing translation data

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 6:31 am
by toms
You have the choice where to store the translation data: either internally...
Where can I make these settings? Thx.

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 7:20 am
by gaivans

All TsiCustomLang descendants by default store translations internally in the owner's .dfm file but also have a number of methods to save/load translations to/from an extenrnal file. So, if you wish to store translations externally you can save the translation data in design-time to a .sil/.sib and then call in run-time "LoadAllFromFile" when needed.

There is also a specialized component TsiLangRT - this automatically load translations in run-time if you have specified the "StorageFile" and set the property "LoadOnCreate" = True. This component also has methods for editing translations in run-time ("EditAll", "EditProperty", "EditExtended") so you can provide your end user with the ability to modify translations in run-time.