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SILEditor doesn't close after EditFile call

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 3:46 pm
by BillHop3
I'm using the automation interface of the SILEditor to convert our development .SIL files to .SIBs for distribution by creating a "SILEditor.SILEditorIntf" object then calling EditFile, then ExportTo.

Unfortunately, the call to EditFile puts the editor in a state where it will not automatically close when the interface is released.
Removing the ExportTo call doesn't help.
A subsequent EditingFinished = true doesn't help.

What steps will work?

P.S. The 6.0 PDF manual still has the automation interface listed with the obsolete TExportType enum.

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 5:33 pm
by isiticov
Thank you for your information. We've fixed small bug in SIL Editor. Please re-download it from our download page and your steps (1. Open. 2. Export to. 3. Close) will work as expected.
The manual updated with corrected TExportType description.

Thank you again for your information.