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Strings editor improvment

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:59 am
by David
I have some suggestions to improve strings editor:

1. Add navigator button to navigate from strings editor directly to source code line. Now I have to find such string by IDS identifier.

2. Please, add correct sorting in strings editor. Introduce user defined sort prefix, so strings like IDS_1, IDS_2, ..., IDS_100 will be sorted correctly (numerically), if sortprefix = 'IDS_'. Sorting in current version (with prefix 'IDS_') is uncomfortable.

3. Add navigator and delete button on dialog box for searching unused strings.

Thank you.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:24 am
by isiticov
Thank you for your suggestions. We will try to implement all of them in next forthcoming version. Unfortunately, next version is planning to be a major upgrade so it won't be released soon.