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Class TsiLangLinked not found, after Export as SIB

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 6:50 pm
by BillHop3
We are experimenting with .SIL files that do not have [Dialogs] entries for a form with a TsiLangRTSE component. When the .SIL is exported as a .SIB, the classname gets written as "TsiLangLinked" instead of "TsiLang". At run-time, this causes the form's creation to fail with an EClassNotFound exception with the message "Class TsiLangLinked not found".
Is this behavior intentional?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 8:22 am
by isiticov
Yes, when exporting SIL into SIB and there is no [Dialogs] section it is "supposed" that TsiLangLinked will be used as component.