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MessageDlg(): Too small fontsize!

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 7:30 am
by Mipe

for international use of our program I changed the fontstyle of the whole program to "Arial Unicode MS". Since I did this, the fontsize of the MessageDlg() looks like size 4 or something... you can't really read the messages any more.

Is there a way to change fontsize in this dialogs?

Thanks for answers,

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 10:00 am
by isiticov
This looks strange since TsiLang uses the same font as parent form for showing dialog boxes. So, in case in your form containign TsiLang font size is more than 4 then this will be used in dialog font too. In case not please create a sample project which demonstrates this behavior and send us to support @ (delete spaces!) and we will test it.