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Cannot translate static strings

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 8:18 am
by james_screech
I'm using Builder XE (C++) form strings and string constants have been found and translated correctly by TsiLang, however static strings are not.

In my .cpp file I have a declaration like this outside of any class / fuction:

String strEntry[] = { "String1",
"String 2",
"String 3",

The menu item "File | Source | With Form..." does not find the strings, looking at the help there should be a menu item "File | Const Section | With Form..." that I think should do this, however this menu item does not exist!

How can I get TsiLang to translate this array of strings?


Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 12:38 pm
by isiticov

There is no possibility to translate constant strings in C++ code. This is why this menu item is not available under C++ IDE. I would recommend you just to add a small function where you will initialize these strings and then translate it with TsiLang Expert as usual.